LAND: 197,348 SF
C-STORE: 10,764 SF
32 MPD'S
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Interplan Architect's Bucee's lulling store design is the flag ship of travel centers in Texas. We have designed over 15 Bucee's gas stations / travel centers though out Texas. Luling, Angleton, El Campo, Giddings, Port O' Conner, League City etc… to name a few. Bucee's offers everything from beef jerky, deli food, to outdoor grills and souvenirs. The main store has a total sq. footage of 10,764 and an additional out door center that is 8,100 sf. The outdoor center markets merchandise unique to their Texas area customers. The travel center has a total of 32 MPD'S making it one of the largest, not only in Texas but the United States. Interplan Architects designed this property with one thing in mind, ACCESSABILITY. This creates the convenience for its customers to make rest stops from their long road trips across the I-10 interstate with little effort. |